Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Olga Kay and Toby Turner Broke Up

It's true. The suspicion was true, about them dating. Olga Kay and Toby Turner were dating. But they have broke up about a month ago. So relax. Take some deep breaths. It's okay. I was also shocked.

They apparently started dating around October/November and dated for about 8 months.
Last month they broke up.
They are still friends, so don't spread any hate... Because Olga is awesome and super wise. Take some notes class. And Toby is Toby... Epiccosity stuffed into a human being.

Proof you ask? Here's Olga's and Jess's livestream on Younow where it is all explained....

Youtube Videos of the broadcast:!

Actual Younow broadcast:

Talks about breakup around 39:00 - 47:00